Parent Opinions |
I cannot rate Hopscotch highly enough. As a mum my priorities for my little one is that he is happy and loved while I am at work. This is achieved everyday. It’s a nurturing, truly caring environment, where the children thrive. The needs of the child are at the heart of everything that is done and my son has made exceptional progress in all areas since he started at HIP. I am so happy to have this provision for my little boy.
—Clare Smith, mother of Alfie (2 years old) I think Hopscotch is amazing and feel very lucky to have found it. Our 2 year old adores Nuala and Eden and is thriving there. They are very flexible, supportive and loving which is so important to me. I feel there's a lot of continuity between nursery and home which has helped with things like potty training. The indoor and outdoor space is beautiful and welcoming and communication is brilliant. They also speak to our daughter in Spanish so she gets a bilingual experience. I can't recommend it enough.
—Gilly Clifford, mother of Tola (3 years old) We knew that our daughter was ready for more than the usual stuff nurseries do around here so as soon as we heard about HIP we enrolled her. And the results have been amazing, she is now spelling words and reading them too! Nuala and Eden are very dedicated with the children and they also give lots of love to them. Our daughter is always happy there, even sometimes when I go to pick her up she doesn't want to go home!
—Alejandra Chapman, mother of Isabella (3 years old) Hopscotch is just a wonderful place. A place where children are shaped into kind, articulate and caring little people. They learn to be aware of their environment and community and to care about nature. They are taught manners and how to communicate with each other. Hopscotch is made a magical place by Nuala and Eden who have given my daughter a home away from home which she has trouble leaving at the end of the day. The food is cooked in-house, is healthy and delicious and the kids all have lunch and snacks together.
—Andrea Pocock, mother of Lily (4 years old) Apuntamos a nuestro hijo por el tema del inglés ya que vivimos entre Vilanova y Londres pero ha superado cualquier expectativa. Tanto el profesorado como la directora son maravillosos, atentos, grandes cuidadores de nuestros pequeños. El sistema educativo que siguen me encanta porque otorga disciplina y rutina a la vez que dejan a los niños expresarse libremente. En cuanto a la alimentació de 5 estrellas. He mostrado los menús a varios expertos y todos han quedado muy sorprendidos del equilibrio nutricional y los alimentos que ofrecen. ¡Ojalá pudiera ir yo a comer al mediodía con ellos! :)
(Translated by Google) We targeted our son for the subject of English since we live between Vilanova and London but he has exceeded any expectations. Both the teachers and the principal are wonderful, attentive, great caregivers of our little ones. The educational system that they follow I love because it provides discipline and routine while allowing children to express themselves freely. As for the food ... it is 5 stars. I have shown the menus to several experts and they have all been very surprised by the nutritional balance and the foods they offer. I wish I could go eat lunch with them! —Rosa Delgado, madre de Hugo (1 año) We are so delighted with Hopscotch, I don't have enough words to recommend them. My daughter is there since she is 9 months old and my only regret is not having known this nursery before! They take care of all children as if they were their own children with love, tenderness, fun, patience and real knowledge about childhood. They know what they do! Our children not only have a good time playing there, they also learn every day. I have visited almost all the nurseries in Sitges and Sant Pere de Ribes and it is the only one I know with 100% native English spoken language, healthy homemade food, sunny exterior space, toys for any age, uniform, graduated teachers for each age and good hygiene in each room. They are simply the best!
—Laura Vizcaya, mother of Charlotte (1 year old) I am super happy with this kindergarten. My 18 months and 3 1/2 year olds are super excited. They like to go there and learn a lot of things. The manager and the whole team are professional, very kind and attentive to any need. Each activity is always aimed at fun and learning. I recommend it.
(Original) Sono super contenta di questo Asilo. I miei figli di 18 mesi e 3 anni e mezzo sono super entusiasti. Ci vanno volentieri e imparano tantissime cose. La direttrice e tutto il team sono professionali, gentilissimi e attenti a qualsiasi esigenza. Ogni attivita' e finalizzata sempre al divertimento e all'apprendimento. Lo raccomando. —Veronica Faya, mother of Sofia (1 year old) and Arturo (3 years old) My daughter started at Hopscotch a few months ago and is absolutely thriving. She loves everybody there and we feel comfortable that she is in the best hands with people that love children and know how to help them grow with plenty of fun.
—Joanne Hurley, mother of Evi (1 year old) Hemos tenido la gran suerte de encontrar a Nuala hace tres años en el British School de Barcelona. Teniamo muy buenas referencia de ella y hemos echo de todo para meter nuestro hijo en su clase.
Nuala es una persona muy profesional y muy sensible, sabe exactamente como tratar cada niño que tiene con una facilidad que solo los buenos educatores tienen. Ama su trabajo y esto se refleja en los niños que con ella aprenden rápidamente y con serenidad. Sabe cuando ser severa y es una guia para los niños y para los padres. Es una persona diferente y conoserla ha sido un privilegio. Gracias Nuala por todo lo que has echo con nuestro hijo y por los demas. — Antonella Varese, madre de Luca Nuala es una persona fantástica y una gran profesional. Siempre nos habían hablado muy bien de ella, y desde el primer día pudimos apreciarlo. La gran conexión y cercanía con todos los niños y todos los padres, su gran capacidad para detectar el más mínimo detalle tanto en el desarrollo como en el aprendizaje de los pequeños, su facilidad para enseñar mientras se divierten..... todo esto y muchas cosas más hacen que Nuala sea la profe que siempre queremos para nuestros hijos!!! Suerte Nuala!!!!
— Belen Pradas Sanz, madre de Miguel y Mario Last summer my 9 year old daughter had the opportunity to spend few weeks with Nuala and I was impressed with her professionalism and the way that she does her teaching job with so much love. I didn’t have Nuala as Giulia’s teacher in the BSB, but I had heard from other mothers how good she was. Last summer I realised how true it is what everyone says about her. The first day my daughter didn’t want to go to stay with Nuala but after staying with her one day she wanted to go every day and didn’t want to miss one minute. And the most incredible thing was that she said that she loved to do homework with Nuala. I would definitely recommend Nuala as a teacher to any parent.
— Daniela, mother of Giulia La Miss Nuala va ser mestra del meu fill durant un any. Va ser una gran mestra amb total dedicació, carinyosa i molt entregada. El meu fill es va sentir estimat i va aprendre molt amb ella. Anava feliç a l’escola i jo estava perque sabia que estava en les millors mans possibles. Ells es va sentir segur i valorat durant tot l’any. Ens va donar idees de com millorar cert aspectes i quan vàrem tenir dubtes ens va judar a resoldre’ls amb la màxima tendressa i eviciència.
Moltes gràcies Miss Nuala, sempre t’estimarem i tenidrem un espai per tu en el nostre cor! — Gemma Izquierdo, mare de l'Ivan Nuala fue la profesora de nuestro hijo en su primer año en el colegio, con 3 años. Pedimos expresamente ir a su clase por recomendación de otras mamás que ya la conocían de sus hijos mayores. Y superó nuestras expectativas. Estamos muy agradecidos de todo lo que hizo por nuestro hijo, que iba al colegio feliz y motivado, aprendió muchas cosas y sobre todo, hizo buenos amigos. Fue una profesora cariñosa, firme y muy atenta que se ganó el cariño de todos los niños de la clase, supo generar cohesión entre los niños en la clase y conquistó nuestra confianza. Cada vez que recogíamos a nuestro hijo, tenía unas palabras para cada padre, informándonos de cualquier cosa de nuestro pequeño y demostrándonos que conocía perfectamente a nuestro hijo. Si tuviéramos otro pequeño no dudaríamos en repetir con ella.
— Noemí Viedma, madre de Daniel Al empezar el primer año de colegio de nuestra hija, estábamos muy preocupados, la veíamos muy pequeña. ¿Cómo se adaptaría...?
Cuando conocimos a Nuala, su profesora, se nos quitó la preocupación. Es alegre, cariñosa, está llena de energía y es muy buena docente. Nuestra hija María se quedó prendada de ella desde el primer día. Han pasado tres años y aún la recuerda con cariño y nos pregunta por ella. No tenemos más que palabras de agradecimiento para ella por hacer que ese primer contacto con el colegio fuera tan positivo para nuestra hija y para nosotros. ¡Muchísimas gracias, Nuala! Te deseamos lo mejor en esta nueva etapa. — Nuria Ramos, madre de María Both our 2 children had the luck of having Nuala as a teacher when they started school. We all loved her and as parents we felt we had the best person we could ever ask for to accompany our children in this new stage of their lives. Nuala was more than a teacher to them: she was a parent, a friend, a sister, a counselor, a psychologist, a coach,.... Thanks for being there for them and for us!
— Mònica Pujol |